Is Soundland a real country?
Yes. We are a sovereign and independent country, landlocked within the US. We meet all of the requirements of the Montevideo convention. We exercise sovereignty over our territory and have our own laws and customs.
Are you recognized?
Currently, we are not recognized by any United Nations member state, but under the Montevideo convention, unrecognized nations still have the right to the integrity of their territorial sovereignty. Additionally, we engage in diplomacy with other unrecognized States.
Can I visit Soundland?
Currently, Soundland is not open to tourism by the general public. However, exceptions can be made for members of the journalistic community, diplomats, or persons of importance. You can learn more by visiting the State Department's Visiting Soundland page.
How do I gain Soundlandian citizenship?
Before any person can apply for Soundlandian citizenship, they must be recommended by a citizen. A citizen can do this by sending a letter to the Department of State. The applicant then submits the naturalization form and the State Department reviews it for approval. However, residents of Soundland do not need a recommendation.
Can I help support Soundland?
Yes! Donations of any size, as well as offers of support, are greatly appreciated. We welcome offers of help from anyone, even if you're not a citizen. You can learn more about supporting Soundland on the Support Us page.