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Government Building

The Supreme Court

logo of the Supreme Court of Soundland

The Supreme Court of Soundland serves as the highest court of appeals in Soundland and is Soundland's constitutional court. It holds exclusive jurisdiction over cases where a territorial state is a party, or where the case involves international or constitutional law. In addition, it reviews constitutional complaints from citizens that allege their basic constitutional rights were violated by a public authority or an officer of Soundland. Currently, the Supreme Court consists of only the High Justice, but the National Senate has the power to expand the court. The High Justice of the Supreme Court is the honorable Geoff Trachtenberg.

"Judicial power shall be vested in a Supreme Court of the Republic of Soundland, and among inferior courts, as established by the National Senate. "

Currently, the Supreme Court is the only court in the Soundlandian court system, but the National Senate may establish other, lower-level courts. The process for selecting a justice is mainly the same as in the US. The president nominates a candidate for appointment and that candidate is confirmed by the National Senate. In the National Senate, the candidate is interviewed and questioned by the Judiciary Committee of the National Senate. The committee then issues a positive or negative recommendation to the National Senate at large or simply doesn't take any action. The National Senate then holds a vote to confirm the candidate.

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