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The Executive Branch

Logo of the Government of the Republic of Soundland

The Executive Branch of Soundland consists of the President, the Vice President, their advisors, the executive departments and their secretaries, and various independent agencies and bodies. In addition, the Secretaries of the executive departments and other heads of agencies as appointed by the president are members of the Cabinet, which serves to advise the president on a wide range of matters.


The Executive Branch carries out and enforces the laws passed by the National Senate, conducts diplomacy with other nations, and has overall responsibility for the governance of the state and is led by the president together with the vice president, who are elected by a ranked-choice vote every three years.

"Executive power shall be vested in a president of the Republic of Soundland, who shall be joined by a vice president. The president and vice president shall be elected every two years [...] by a ranked choice voting procedure."

What Does the Executive Do?

Conducts International Diplomacy and Handles Foreign Affairs
Handles Administration and Day-to-Day Running of Soundland
Executes and Enforces the Law

According to the Constitution, the President is responsible for carrying out the laws passed by the National Senate. To do this, they are assisted by a collection of government departments, agencies, and bodies.

Government Departments and Agencies

Departments and Offices
Independent Agencies
The Armed Forces


Air Force


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